Introduction to Biofeedback A Basic Introduction to the Science of Biofeedback and the Process of Self-Regulation, this workshop will provide a thorough introduction to the art and science of biofeedback. The goal will be to help newcomers understand basic concepts and principles and assist more experienced practitioners in refreshing the essence of what works in using feedback technology to promote health and well-being.
About Dr. Chartier In 1983 Dr. Chartier began a private psychotherapy and biofeedback practice, Life Quality Resources, in Raleigh, NC. QEEG assessments and Neurofeedback training became a part of Dr. Chartier’s work in 1989. In addition to his private practice experience, Dr. Chartier served as a Clinical Associate Professor from 1985 to 1997 in the Department of Psychiatry in the School of Medicine at UNC-CH. In that position he worked for MedWell, the UNC School of Medicine’s Biofeedback and Behavioral Medicine program. He continues to be an annual guest lecturer on biofeedback and neurofeedback for the School of Medicine’s Complementary and Alternative Medicine program.