Clinical Uses for Alpha-Stim This session will discuss the clinical uses of Alpha-Stim for anxiety, insomnia, depression and pain. We will cover current research, safety and efficacy data, recommended treatment protocols, and suggested methods of incorporating Alpha-Stim with biofeedback.
About Ms. Blumenthal I am a licensed psychotherapist with 20 years experience using the following modalities; Biofeedback, Neurofeedback, Alpha Stim Treatments, and Counseling with children, adolescents, and adults. I incorporate several of these therapies to help my clients who suffer with Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Headaches ( Migraines), pain syndromes, ADHD, ASD, Tics/Tourettes, Childhood Anxiety, and depression, Social Anxiety, OCD, Repetitive negative thinking, Eating disorders and Child athletes seeking Peak performance. When appropriate I also use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or Didactical Behavioral Therapy along in conjunction with contextual family therapy.
I was trained 25 years ago in peripheral biofeedback and continue to use Heart Math, and teach mindfulness, meditation and relaxation techniques. I work with in a practice with a psychiatrist and use all of the above techniques with medication when it is necessary. My population consists of 50% children and 50% adults, all who benefit from one of the modalities or several of them, as I believe in a holistic team approach to care. I hold 2 masters degrees; one in psychology and the other in organizational behavior. My bachelors degree is in psychology.
I have a background working for 2 large Hospices, specializing in Bereavement counseling, and worked for 10 years in addition to my private practice in a Title One school with migrant children using several skills listed above to include Alpha-Stim and Neurofeedback.
I am one of the only providers in my area who performs an analysis TOVA testing for my clients, our psychiatrist's patients and frequently referred by a very large hospital based medical practice, and several local psychiatrists.
Currently self employed I have had many off label successes with Alpha Stim and most of my therapy clients use it during a typical counseling session, over the last 15 years. I began dispensing them as many of my clients had immediate results and wanted to purchase one usually after one or two sessions. I created a model for selling them in my practice as an additional way to increase income and to help those who suffer with anxiety, depression insomnia and pain.